Artist Statement
In expressing myself through art, I have engaged my heart and soul-raw and vulnerable-in the dance of life. I have always felt my art as an appendage to my body and that if I am not nurturing it, then I am not healthy. It is my vehicle for grasping at the inexpressible, where I feel my primordial spirit lives.
Sometimes I feel her as the little girl laughing and jumping in puddles or skipping down the street. Sometimes she is a warrior moving through layers of demons in the unconscious. Sometimes she is an ancient, wise seer, sitting back and taking it all in and beaming smiles and love for everyone to receive.
Regardless of which expression chooses to show up, it is the process that I embrace and which moves me. I yearn to share my feeling that we are all part of this brilliant cosmic energy called life—all from one Source.
– L. Wynne Weber